Thursday, January 13, 2011

One Of My Flaws! (they are few and far)

One of my flaws? Well i spent the last two days thinking about this and well i must say that i cant think of any. sorry... okay well i have flaws i just dont know which ones i want to share with the World Wide Web. I have many flaws, such as my horrible eating habits, or drinking habits. However if i was to share my biggest flaw it is my procrastination. I love to procrastinate. In fact i procrastinate so much i often procrastinate my procrastination. okay but seriously i have a real problem. It is getting better now. I found my way to the library for the first time this year in my three years at ECU.

I bought one of those memmory foam mattress pads for my bed and it has made it all the worse. I find my self thinking about ways to cut any of my daily activities short so i can go lay in bed. The thought of doing homework, studying, or writing just ruins my time when im laying there in my bed. I can not do any homework in my room because i find myself looking at the tv then soon onto my bed to just lay for a few minutes. Soon all hope is lost and im gone into a reality show and the deep covers of my bed.

I am working hard to overcome this but im telling you im addicted to being lazy!

1 comment:

  1. Do not be ashamed of procrastination, it is the vine that feeds all happy things. At least most of the time it does. I myself, will find excuses to stay home just so I can stay in bed. I do envy your memory foam mattress, I myself have a regular mattress. So maybe its good that I don't have a memory mattress. I also find that, as a collage student, I have the right to skip class. I believe that it is my duty, as an American, to exercise that right. People have died so that we can have that right, just like voting.
