Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Exploring Uncharted Waters

There is nothing like the first time you explore uncharted waters. It can be a gift and a curse though. You start a curious man, led by the apple of your eye. It always begins with the simplist thought of what it could really be like to see, to feel, to explore that unknown area that you observe so curiously. Once your mind is made up you prepare yourself for what lies ahead, maybe failure, hopefully success. If you are like me you think only of success and you dont toil in the idea that you may strike out or fall short, as everyone has before. You put it in your mind that you will succeed and if you dont that there is always another day or another unknown place to try out. I will admit i often become nervous when i attempt to explore unfamiliar territory. but once i take that first step and i havent fallen or broken anything i am then like an ustoppable animal. My confidence is through the roof and i am ready to take on the world. My adrenaline starts pumping and my blood gets hot. Whether or not i try to go about it with a slow roundabout way or if i take the bull by the horns and make no excuses for my self, i go with sure conviction. as i reach this gift and it is given to me, gifted for my valiant and relentless effort to attain it, i begin to see my curse. For now the chase is over. The exploring is done and i am left just like i started curious, yet not of the feat i just made but of a new one. For the last one is old news and i need something new.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great post! You have a very strong voice--not that you need anyone to tell you that--and I really like the way you made a story out of it; I was there. I also really like what you said,"You put it in your mind that you will succeed and if you don't that there is always another day or another unknown place to try out." Good job.
